I woke up this morning, an extremely stressed out college student in the midst of finals hell. Tonight, I go to bed a college graduate. I’ve got to say… this is a moment I’ve dreamed about for years. But even though I’m thrilled to be free of endless reading assignments, pointless lectures, and impossible tests, here marks the end of my concrete plans. I stand upon the threshold of the rest of my life (oy that sounds like something from a bad graduation card) looking out on path that isn’t quite as clear as the one behind me. That is why I decided to begin this blog. Now, more than ever, I am going to be making decisions that will change the route my life takes. I think the best way to navigate this vast unknown is to sort it all out in writing and send that writing out into the world and see what comes back to me. I hope that those of you who take the time to read this blog will feel free to comment and share your opinions or advice. So come along with me as I jump into a nice gooey vat of unknown. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, but above all we’ll LIVE! (and I promise, it won't always be so self-help-y and serious ;) )
Hey Erin! I had to come check this out from Facebook. I love the way your blog looks! It's been forever since we've talked, so we should at least keep in touch through our blogs!
Erin, I didn't know blogspot sites could look this good. It's like a graphic design lovefest. I am impressed.
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