Saturday, June 20, 2009

"You've successfully applied for 37 jobs!" One of them's gotta stick right?

Step one on my journey into adulthood (because, you know, the first five years don't count...) find a job that pays at least $15.00 and has me working normal, business hours. It's time for me to move on from the FedEx Office/Kinko's universe. It seems that much of what I am dissatisfied with in my life has a direct connection to my job and it's crappy hours! Who knew?!?! (I really wish sarcasm was easier to portray in print...)

It's been years since I've actually actively pursued employment. Jobs usually just seem to fall in my lap. So this is kinda scary. I went to and applied for pretty much every job I was even remotely qualified for. Same at So now... I guess it's just time to sit and wait! Eek! Please let me at least get some interviews!

If anyone has any advice as I dive into this scary job market, please comment!


Krista said...

Here's the hard truth: Nathan got his BS in Economics and landed his first job - an index fund trader - at $9.00 an hour. That's right. Student debt and 5 years of slaving and he got a job for $9/hr. Disgusting. But, he's worked hard and a year after getting that job, he's negotiated a higher wage (higher than $15/hr). So, I hate to say it, but you might have to start a little lower than you prefer (especially in this economy), but you'll work your way up because you're a great, talented, hard worker! GOOD LUCK!

Anna said...

The BYU alumni has some great job resources, check them out at

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