Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wait, what am I doing?

So I've been pressing along on the new job path, craving the joys of a day shift and a social life, and I do think that it's the right route to take, the "grown up" route to take for sure.

But there is a huge part of me that is starving for a creative environment. I think I really want to go to art school. I mean really. And here are some reasons why:

I want to be around people who enjoy arguing the pros and cons of the Pepsi redesign, or which font reigns supreme.

I want to learn from people who know more than I do, and receive praise from professors for my "stunning natural aesthetic."

I want to wear something so trendy it's almost ugly, and get looks of approval instead of scorn from my classmates.

I want to meet some fabulously attractive, complex, and creative guy, with whom I have boatloads in common and fall madly in love.

I want to build a portfolio that is so amazing, design firms will beg for me to join their team, and I'll never not get an interview for a graphic design job again.

But is this really what art school is like? Or have I been duped by Hollywood's idealism? If someone out there knows, please, let me know.


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